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Write and Inspire 


           Love at First Write aims to encourage those aspiring writers to share their own story and be an inspiration. You can submit your stories or short poems here and bring change to the world. 

This is open to all. You are free to write anything about friendship, family, heartbreak and growing up, tough stuff, lessons in life or making a difference. You can take a look at some of the examples below: 

Volleyball on Sand

Volleyball is super amazing. I'm actually a big fan of Alyssa Valdez. It started when I was I was in grade school and I never thought that volleyball could be this life-changing. When I was in high school, my passion for volleyball...

Volleyball is Life

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Image by Sharon McCutcheon

I love reading short stories, poems or a book itself. I'm actually a big fan of Chicken Soup for the Soul- one of the books which changed my life. It's an inspiring one and you'll really learn a lot of lessons. When I was in high school...

It changed me

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Image by Anusha Barwa

I love taking care of my pets especially cats and dogs. Caring for your pet is a great joy and they are fun to spend time with. It is one way of relaxing and it actually feels good to walk with your pets. But for me, they are more than just pets... 

They're more than just pets

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A Girl in a Classroom

When you are reading someone's work, it's like you're having a glimpse of that person or the writer behind those words. Writing is one of my hobbies. I love writing poems, short stories or random thoughts and messages. It was...

I want to be a writer

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